10 Expert Tips for Achieving Peace of Mind in Financial Security

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Coming to terms with being financially stable can be challenging for anyone who is not used to being successful! Many people who are technically “well off” still have a mindset that makes them stressed. Thankfully, there are many ways to tackle this problem! Recently, men and women met in an online discussion to reveal tips for achieving peace of mind in financial security.

1. Look Inward

Man stressed out seeing bills
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Is your stress based on your finances, or could other traumas be at fault? In many cases, enjoying a healthy income and financial status makes a person feel guilty if they grew up without money. “Take a look at your life as a whole; what responsibilities do you have?” asks one person. “What other stressors do you have? It very well could be the money that’s stressing you out, but I would look through everything else too so that you can see if the anxiety is potentially rooted in something else.”

2. Realize You’re Not Alone

Woman seeing mobile and asking what
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It’s easy to get overwhelmed, but thankfully, you can take solace that you’re not the only one with these problems. Remember: Money tends to stress people out! Even if you’re struggling with guilt over having more money than ever before, you can find peace knowing that you are still in an excellent financial situation. Think about it: There are millions of people overcome with anxiety over being unable to pay rent each month. In the end, everyone has money anxiety. Millions work through it; it can be done!

3. Come Up With a Game Plan

Man researching
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Countless people admit that once they write down their financial fears, they better understand the route they must take to avoid those fears becoming true. “It may help to write down some of the problems you worry about and then write down what you would do about each one if it happened tomorrow,” one woman helpfully explains. “Make sure your contingency plans are detailed and realistic. Work out how much money they will take to implement.” Once everything is written down, you’ll be amazed at how much less stressed you’ll feel!

4. Take a Long Vacation

Man on vacation
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Some may call a vacation another word for ignoring your problems, but most people see it as a much-needed break from the stresses of your everyday life. Sometimes, a weekend isn’t long enough to detach from your anxiety, and many experts believe a monthlong trip somewhere new will take your mind off your financial stress long enough to rewire your thinking. Many people report feeling refreshed and less anxious about their finances when they return from a particularly fantastic vacation!

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5. Consider Counseling

Woman seeking therapy
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Seeking therapy is commonplace in 2023; more people than you think regularly talk to a counselor about many things, finances included! “There’s a relatively new field in mental health called financial therapy,” reveals one man. “I suggest you find a therapist who is trained in that field to talk to. Your fears are likely rooted in other things, and a trained therapist can help you with that.” Sometimes, talking to someone is the best way to tackle financial-related stress.

6. Change Your Mindset

Woman relaxed in couch
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

When battling anxiety over any subject, sometimes you need to rewire your brain. One woman has an ingenious way to do so! “Sometimes, when I find myself anxious for a patently false set of worries, I treat myself like a plant,” she confesses. “I ensure I get plenty of clean water, sunlight, fresh air, and nourishing food. I ensure I get the best amount of sleep I can manage and move my body for at least an hour a day.” I love this tip so much; it makes perfect sense!

7. Read More Books

Middle aged man reading book
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Self-help books are popular for one reason: They help people! Many men and women swear they’ve never regretted reading more, and diving into many popular self-help books could be the jolt in the arm you need. From financial self-help books to personal self-esteem books (and everything in between), you’ll undoubtedly find something that speaks to you.

8. Anchor Yourself With a Home

Woman with real estate agent
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

There’s nothing more grounding than buying a home. Countless people admit purchasing a home gave them the security they sought. Suddenly, their stress was relieved! “While I’m not advocating for this as a solution to problems surrounding financial anxieties, the tangibility of a house can provide a grounding anchor to your financial security in a way that a bank account does not,” suggests one woman.

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9. Focus On Other Things

Cheerful excited careless couples
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Experts agree: If you obsessively focus on your finances, it’s probably time to focus on other equally important things. Prioritizing a romantic (or platonic) relationship is one of the most straightforward ways to focus on something that matters. While entering into a new relationship may not solve all your stress, you’ll probably worry less about your financial situation by comparison!

10. Stop Physically Obsessing Over Your Finances

Woman shocked seeing mobile
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

I constantly check my investment accounts dozens of times per day, and I can attest to the anxiety that is possible if you see a sudden drop in your net worth! As it turns out, I need to learn some self-control. “If you’re regularly checking your balance and net worth, you may also be giving yourself anxiety when you see the daily volatility of your accounts instead of the nicely upward trend,” explains one expert. “Untraining this and putting down the apps may be good for you; you don’t need to track every dollar in real-time.”

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Source: Reddit.

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