21 Lies We Believe Because of Movies

Movies and television programs can provide audiences with a wealth of entertainment. However, some of the information depicted can be less than truthful. While we expect to see fantastical elements in our programming, sometimes these fantasies become misconstrued as reality. Today, we will examine some of the biggest lies people believe from television and movies.
1. T-Rex: Vision isn’t based on movement.

Despite what films like Jurassic Park have taught us, T-Rex vision is based on something other than movement. The giant predators had binocular vision, like humans, and their depth perception made them fantastic hunters.
In general, reptiles are attracted to movement. However, this doesn’t mean they can only see something if it moves. That being said, you wouldn’t be able to outrun the prehistoric killer either, so hiding may still be the best option.
2. We Don’t Only Use a Fraction of Our Brain Power

This may be the most commonly retold piece of misinformation out there. The human brain is a complex piece of equipment that is constantly active. There is no untapped potential waiting in the dark regions of our brains that would give us superpowers.
While only a fraction of the brain’s immense power is being used at any given time, we do use every part of our brain. Films like Limitless and other science fiction films have spread this misinformation.
3. A Cigarette Won’t Ignite Gasoline

I’m sorry, Michael Bay. A cigarette doesn’t burn hot enough to ignite gasoline. As incredible as Hollywood explosions are, a cigarette cherry is unlikely to ignite liquid gasoline. However, that doesn’t mean lighting up a smoke at the gas pump is safe.
Gasoline is a very reactive product but is most dangerous in its gaseous form. An explosion is more likely to occur from the spark from a lighter than the cigarette itself. This false scenario can be seen in about a thousand action flicks.
4. You Can’t Walk Away During an Explosion

Speaking of explosions, you cannot calmly walk away in the vicinity of the blast. As amazing as it looks in action flicks, the force from an explosion will definitely send you flying through the air.
Even if the blast doesn’t take you out, there will be shrapnel and debris to worry about. This bit of Hollywood magic is seen in all kinds of films and video games. But if you are ever anywhere near an explosion, please run away.
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5. There Isn’t a Set Time Period to Declare Someone Missing

There is a common trope in TV and films that you must wait at least 48 hours before reporting a missing person. This contradicts another commonly held belief that they are unlikely to be found if a person is missing for more than 48 hours.
Despite what you may have heard, there is no time limit for reporting a missing person. Unfortunately, this myth is so pervasive that people may waste precious time reporting their missing loved ones. Call the authorities immediately if you ever think that someone you know is missing.
6. Cops Don’t Have to Tell You They Are a Cop

This lie comes to us from cop procedurals and mafia movies. Under no circumstances would an undercover cop need to tell you they are a cop. This would defeat the purpose of an undercover operation.
Interestingly enough, this misinformation is believed to come from the police themselves. An undercover agent may lie to a criminal and state that they would have to tell them if they are police to protect their identity in a nasty situation. However, this has not been proven to be true.
7. Cops Are Allowed to Lie To You

On that note, cops are absolutely allowed to lie to you to gain information. This isn’t the case in all countries. However, American law enforcement can lie about evidence or testimonies to get a confession from a suspect.
Although the ethical concerns of this practice are constantly debated, it is still widely used by American police officers. In these cases, it’s best to just ask for a lawyer.
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8. Chloroform Won’t Knock Out A Person Instantly

Chloroform is commonly used in movies to instantly kill a person of interest. In the real world, it takes about five minutes of constant inhalation to render a person unconscious. This makes sense when you consider the chemical was invented for surgery applications, not kidnapping.
Chloroform is an effective anesthetic that has saved a large number of people from the pain of surgery and childbirth. It would just be really boring to watch the kidnapper hold a rag to their victim’s mouth while they count to five minutes.
9. Silencers Don’t Make Guns Silent

This lie comes from action films and video games. The correct term for a silencer is a suppressor. It is impossible to attach something to a firearm that would effectively silence it. The best you can hope for is something that will muffle the sound a bit.
A suppressor is a commonly used attachment for hunters, not assassins. It reduces sound, minimizes recoil, and increases accuracy. It is more realistic to think of a suppressor as a car muffler than as an assassin’s tool.
10. You Only Get One Phone Call When Arrested

This misinformation serves to make the dramatic situation of being arrested feel even worse. In the United States, an arrestee is allowed to make phone calls while in custody because of their First, Fifth, and Sixth Amendment rights.
These are the constitutional rights to free speech, due process, and the right to counsel. Although there are restrictions based on the state, this essentially means you can make as many phone calls as needed if they pertain to your court case.
11. You Shouldn’t Try to Suck Out Snake Venom

Hollywood didn’t invent this myth, but the idea is still featured in modern movies. For much of recorded history, sucking out snake venom was considered an effective treatment for those affected.
The only problem with this is it does not work. Not only will you not get out enough venom to help the person, but you will also risk swallowing a little bit of venom or causing an infection in the bitten person. The only real option is to take the person to the nearest emergency room.
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12. There Is No Sound in Space

All of the epic space battles in the Star Wars saga would be completely silent. Atoms and molecules carry sound waves. With no molecules in the vacuum of space, there is nothing for the sound waves to bounce off of.
Because of this, the sound waves will stay in place and never reach our ears. As cool as the science fiction genre is, a silent space battle isn’t nearly as incredible.
13. You Can’t Enhance Grainy Images to Be Clear

This myth is present in most police procedural programming. Anyone who has ever tried to use a ring camera to see who broke into their car knows that a far-away, grainy image is of no use to police officers.
This is because you can’t add information to an image that doesn’t exist. It is possible to use AI programs to fill in areas that are likely in the photo, but this counts as media manipulation and can be scrutinized by the courts.
14. Hangovers Wear Off in A Few Hours

Anyone over the age of 30 is keenly aware of how much this myth misses the mark. In television shows and movies, you only need a good breakfast and your hangover will be gone in a couple of hours.
In reality, the effects of ingesting this poison can take 24 to 72 hours to resolve itself. The recommended treatment is to rehydrate your body and get lots of rest.
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15. Coffee Will Sober You Up

On that note, coffee will not sober you up. This trope can be seen in countless movies and TV shows, but caffeine has no effect on how drunk you are. What it will do is cause the person to feel more awake and may alleviate some of the side effects of alcohol.
However, mixing stimulants and depressants is not recommended as it can cause grave harm to the body. And anyone who remembers the chaos caused by the 2005 Four Loko disaster can attest that caffeine and booze don’t mix well.
16. A Defibrillator Will Not Restart Your Heart

If someone’s heart stops in a movie, the doctor will instantly pull out a defibrillator to get the heart going again. While this makes for a great dramatic moment, it isn’t how a defibrillator works. If the heart is completely stopped, the machine won’t do anything to restart it.
This machine is an essential medical advancement that provides an electric jolt to the heart to shock it back into a normal rhythm. It is used to treat irregular heartbeats or a heart that has suffered from cardiac arrest, but it will not restart a heart that has stopped beating.
17. Getting Shot in The Leg is Not Dangerous

Action movies love to brush off gunshots to the legs or arms as flesh wounds. While it’s true that there are not any organs in your leg, there are essential arteries that should not be punctured. As many times as we have seen it in action films, you cannot simply walk off a gunshot wound.
18. Most People Do Not Want Big Public Displays of Affection

If romantic comedies are to be believed, everyone wants a big disruptive display of affection to prove their love and devotion. While some adventurous people may want this kind of attention, most people don’t.
The vast majority of people would be horrified if a loved one shut down a local airport in a grand display of affection. Although this makes for a great movie scene, it’s best to do small acts of kindness to show the one you love how much you care.
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19. Hacking Isn’t an Instant Fix

Movies love to portray hacking as a high-stakes move that happens in real time. However, actual hacking is a tedious venture that can take days or even weeks to penetrate a well-guarded establishment.
Many hackers rely on programs that continually assault a platform over a long period of time before returning with any results. Hackers also typically work in teams, so the lone hacker typing furiously in the dark is just another piece of movie magic.
20. You Can’t Quickly Dig A Grave With A Shovel

If you follow movie logic, you can dig a grave and bury a body in a matter of hours. Unfortunately, grave digging is a labor-intensive activity that can take days if done by hand.
Modern burial sites are dug using advanced machinery that can perform the task quickly. As with most things, this task is best left to the professionals.
21. Your Body Won’t Return to Normal The Day After You Deliver A Baby

TV shows and movies often depict people snapping right back into physical perfection the day after delivering a baby. In the real world, average symptoms will disappear after six to eight weeks.
Some complicated symptoms can take longer to heal or remain indefinitely. This can be chalked up to Hollywood providing people with unrealistic body expectations.
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