10 Things Poor People Wish That Others Understood

Being poor in 2023 is much easier than you think; you just need to put your mind to it. All jokes aside, the number of people straddling the poverty line in America and the wider world is alarming. A recent online post asked those experiencing financial difficulties what they wish others understood — here are some insights.
1. This Car of Mine

Seeing car commercials where the gleaming new hybrid glistens at golden hour can be a source of depression for people who can’t get financing. When you see that person driving their 2012 Honda Civic with the fading paint job, don’t judge — they will be driving that until it disintegrates.
2. Invest the Rest

Most financial gurus will tell the fiscal layman they should live within their means and save what they can to invest in assets. However, when running on fumes for the last two weeks of the month, you can’t save money you need to spend on existing. Once some people have paid their bills, they might have just a hundred bucks left to buy food.
3. Make Sure It Ain’t Broken

If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it — but if it is, you best not be broke too! So many people live hand to mouth, paycheck to paycheck — if something goes wrong, there is no plan B. Spare a thought for parents, praying their engine starts each frozen morning. Most consumers don’t have the luxury of replacing their car, which is exacerbated when buying a modern car isn’t possible, so engine problems are more likely.
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4. The Student Loan Problem

Those from more privileged backgrounds who never had to pay their way through college probably don’t need to worry about loans. Trying to keep up with friends who cannot see the $500 that disappears from your bank balance each month can be frustrating, and with it, your chance of hitting the ski resort that month.
5. Debt Trauma

What more fiscally astute people among us may not realize (although some of them are fiscally astute after debt trauma) is how crippling a large debt can be over a lifetime, especially if other expenses materialize. Even if you pay your debt monthly, something like a loved one’s passing or car accident can leave you scrambling to find air.
6. That Sinking Feeling

I wonder what percentage of the population holds its breath when they log into their bank account or hit the balance icon. I am guessing it is above the halfway mark — but maybe it is higher. Sadly, those in a financially leaky boat usually do a silent Hail Mary before entering their ATM card.
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7. Income Proportion

It all adds up, as they say. You may not have one large outgoing debt per se, but a consistent group of small ones can be as crushing. Buying a new set of tires will set the wealthier driver back less than someone driving a much cheaper car using the same tire model.
8. The Exhaustion

When you must choose the budget option for everything, it takes its physical toll. For example, those using the free clinic might wait hours for an appointment. This ratioed principle can apply to anything: flying economy, waiting for a cab, or even attending a nightclub. Poor citizens face more stressful situations, and we all know how draining stress can be.
9. The Poor Label

Most heartbreaking for me is how some wealthier individuals view people at lower stations than themselves. Those working-class people on the first-morning bus for their 12-hour warehouse shift can hardly be called lazy. Many individuals work long shifts, pick up their kids, then begin their second full-time jobs as parents.
10. Good National Park Game

People whose parents drove a station wagon like Clarke Griswald’s in National Lampoon’s Vacation will be familiar with national parks. When your friends’ parents saved for a year to afford a DisneyWorld adventure, the rest of America spent eight hours in a family vehicle lacking air conditioning, smart screens, or devices — Mount Rushmore won’t see itself!
Source: Reddit.
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