21 Most Horrific Vaults in Fallout

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Fallout is a beloved franchise that is currently seeing a resurgence in popularity due to the success of its new streaming series. While the franchise is celebrated for many reasons, the Vault-Tec experiments have always been the game’s most interesting aspect.

We dug through the old archives and unearthed the most horrific actions committed by Vault-Tec. From human virus experiments to child super soldiers, Vault-Tec’s depravity knows no limits. So settle in as we explore one of the darkest factions in gaming history.

1. Vault 87: Forced Evolution Virus, Fallout 3

Photo Credit: Bethesda Game Studios.

Have you ever wondered where the giant Super Mutants in Fallout come from? Well, look no further than Vault 87: Forced Evolution Virus experiments. The scientists overseeing the program subjected every American citizen who entered Vault 87 to this vile experiment.

The luckiest ones met a swift death, while the rest endured a nightmarish metamorphosis, emerging as either a Super Mutant or a Centaur. The silver lining? Being a Super Mutant does offer some advantages in the post-nuclear world.

2. Vault 112: An MMO Nightmare, Fallout 3

Photo Credit: Bethesda Game Studios.

The people of Vault 112 were told that they would be placed inside a virtual reality paradise as they waited out the nuclear fallout. However, anyone familiar with Vault-Tec knows that things are rarely as they seem. 

Instead of paradise, vault dwellers were subjected to a never-ending nightmare simulation. The vault’s overseer, Dr. Stanislaus Braun, used these simulations to make himself a god. He would routinely kill and torture the virtual avatars before wiping their memories and beginning the process all over again.

3. Vault 19: Forced Tribalism, Fallout: New Vegas

Photo Credit: Obsidian Entertainment.

When constructing Vault 19, Vault-Tec wanted to explore the limits and origins of tribalism. When the vault dwellers entered the facility, they were separated into the red and blue groups.

While separated, Vault-Tec administered psychological stimuli to increase the group’s paranoia of each other. As time went on, paranoia and contempt grew between the two groups, leading to a bloody and violent disaster.

4. Vault 12: A Broken Door, Fallout

Photo Credit: Interplay Entertainment.

The plan for this vault was pretty straightforward. Vault-Tec rigged the outside door so it would not be adequately sealed, allowing radiation to leak in from the outside world slowly. Vault-Tec’s plan was to study the effects of long-term radiation poisoning on the human body.

As a result, many of the people in Vault 12 became ghouls. On a positive note, this allowed the ghouls to create a safe haven away from the prejudice they would often experience in the wasteland.

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5. Vault 75: Child Super Soldiers, Fallout 4

Photo Credit: Bethesda Game Studios.

Located beneath a school in the commonwealth, this vault was meant to house the students and families in case of nuclear fallout. However, once everyone was inside the vault, the children were separated from their families, and all of the adults were executed.

The children were then put through rigorous military training. The ones that could not keep up were summarily executed as inferior subjects. The children who did well in training would be killed at the age of 18 and have their genetic information harvested to create a new batch of subjects.

6. Vault 34: Guns and Overcrowding, Fallout: New Vegas

Photo Credit: Obsidian Entertainment.

This vault was designed to see if vault dwellers would engage in their own forms of population control. It was purposefully designed to be too small for its inhabitants, but it did feature a robust armory system.

As overpopulation reached its tipping point, the vault inhabitants overthrew the overseer to gain access to the weaponry. This resulted in a killing spree that eventually led to the creation of the Boomer faction.

7. Vault 77: Puppets, Fallout 3

Photo Credit: Bethesda Game Studios.

Although players cannot find its location, tales of Vault 77 and its crazed occupants can be heard throughout the wasteland. That’s right, Vault 77 only housed one person. Vault-Tec wanted to test the limits of isolation and loneliness over time.

So, they built a vault for one person and filled it with puppets with which the sole occupant could interact. As time passed, the vault dweller went insane from loneliness and formed a strong bond with his puppets. After escaping the vault, he is rumored to have become one of the most fearsome warriors of the wasteland.

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8. Vault 106: Hallucinogens in the Air, Fallout 3

Photo Credit: Bethesda Game Studios.

The inhabitants of Vault 106 lived happily in their new vault for about 10 days. After that, Vault-Tec began pumping hallucinogenic drugs into their air ducts. Aware of this plan, the overseer would direct security to dismiss any complaints of visions or odd behavior.

Exposure to these drugs eventually caused the inhabitants to become paranoid and crazed. Anyone unlucky enough to stumble into this vault will be immediately attacked and killed by its few remaining survivors.

9. Vault 81: Disease Testing, Fallout 4

Photo Credit: Bethesda Game Studios.

Seemingly beneficial, the research in Vault 81 was meant to cure various diseases that plague humanity. However, the approach to this research was anything but kind. Inhabitants of the vault would be exposed to a variety of illnesses.

Scientists in a remote location would monitor their symptoms and collect data from the vault dwellers. In a rare turn of events, the vault’s overseer could not allow this to continue and shut down the experiments.

10. Vault 95: Addiction, Fallout 4

Photo Credit: Bethesda Game Studios.

When it was first designed, this vault seemed like a humanitarian project. Vault 95 would act as a rehabilitation clinic for people suffering from drug and alcohol addiction. The program was a complete success for the first five years of its operation.

After that, staged vault dwellers unearthed a planted cache of drugs inside the vault. Vault-Tec wanted to see how “recovered” addicts would react to this discovery. As expected, with the world having ended, the inhabitants abused the drugs and led the vault into anarchy and destruction.

11. Vault 11: Sacrificing to the Machine, Fallout: New Vegas

Photo Credit: Obsidian Entertainment.

The inhabitants of Vault 11 believed in democracy. Each year, they voted on which member would become the vault’s new overseer. However, the selected members must venture into the lower levels and sacrifice themselves to the vault.

If they did not do this, the machine inside the vault would kill them all. After generations of sacrifice, the remaining five vault members no longer engage in this game. This prompted the machine to offer them a message congratulating them on making the right choice and upholding the sanctity of life.

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12. Vault 51: No leader, Fallout 76

Photo Credit: Bethesda Game Studios.

Unlike most vaults, Vault 51 was not assigned an overseer upon its formation. Instead, a robot named Zax AI was designed to pick an overseer from the vault’s inhabitants. However, after some time, it could not select a worthy candidate.

Attempting to help the AI, one vault dweller informed it that leaders often appear during times of great strife. Zax AI then began creating crises for the inhabitants so that a leader could emerge. When this didn’t work, it had the vault dwellers kill one another to prove their worth.

13. Vault 114: Riches to Rags, Fallout 4

Photo Credit: Bethesda Game Studios.

Only the most illustrious elite would be allowed entry into Vault 114. However, they would be stripped of their status and wealth upon entry. The inhabitants would be forced to live in poor conditions as Vault-Tec monitored their reactions to this change.

Luckily for them, the vault construction was not completed by the time the bombs fell. Thus, the wealthiest members of society would never have to endure what those on the lower rungs experience every day.

14. Vault 43: The Panther: One Man, and A Crate of Puppets

Photo Credit: Bethesda Game Studios.

This vault houses a social experiment in which 20 men and 10 women would be placed inside it with a live panther. The social experiment is unclear, but the vault dwellers proved no match against the vicious beast. The panther killed and ate all of the inhabitants.

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15. Vault 53: In Need of Repair, The Fallout Bible

Photo Credit: Bethesda Game Studios.

Repairs are a common aspect of most people’s lives. However, Vault-Tec was curious to know how people would react if their lives revolved around making repairs. In Vault 53, essential infrastructure would break down every few months.

If the inhabitants failed to make these repairs, they would all perish inside the vault. This experiment was done so that the inhabitants could only partially modify or permanently fix all the items in the vault.

16. Vault 56: No More Laughter, The Fallout Bible

Photo Credit: Bethesda Game Studios.

When constructing Vault 56, Vault-Tec removed all sources of entertainment besides one tape. This entertainment tape consisted of an audio track of the worst comedian they could find. While not as terrible as some of their other experiments, this action proves that Vault-Tec was often cruel for the sake of cruelty.

17. Vault 29, No More Parents, The Fallout Bible

Photo Credit: Bethesda Game Studios.

Not much is known about what transpired in Vault 29. Records indicate that Vault-Tec planned to separate children under the age of 15 from their parents and send them to separate vaults. While we don’t know what Vault-Tec was planning, we can be confident it wasn’t in the children’s best interest.

18.  Vault 101: Never Ending Oppression, Fallout 3

Photo Credit: Bethesda Game Studios.

While all of the vaults may seem authoritative in one way or another, Vault-Tec pushed the boundaries of the concept in this vault. Vault 101 was designed never to be opened and featured an all-powerful overseer. Vault-Tec’s research goal was to see how generations of people would react to an authoritative rule.

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19. Vault 13: Spare Parts, Fallout

Photo Credit: Bethesda Game Studios.

The inhabitants lived in Vault 13 peacefully for a considerable time. Vault-Tec did not perform any social or medical experiments on the populace here. However, that did not mean that Vault-Tec had no plans for the people of Vault 13.

The people housed here were kept safe so that the future leaders of America would have a stockpile of clean human DNA to use once they reclaimed their rightful place as the world’s rulers. Vault 13 members were eventually kidnapped and enslaved by the remnants of the US government, known as the Enclave.

20. Vault 92: Music to Your Ears, Fallout 3

Photo Credit: Bethesda Game Studios.

This vault contained some of the most brilliant musicians of the pre-war era. Although the vault was presented as a way to preserve the arts, the real goal was to test the efficiency of combat suggestions via white noise.

Unknowingly, listening to these murderous directions day in and day out had a catastrophic impact on the inhabitants. The vault dwellers eventually developed a murderous rage as a result, leading to the death of everyone inside.

21. Vault 68 & 69: The Battle of the Sexes, The Fallout Bible

Photo Credit: Bethesda Game Studios.

These two vaults feature the same experiments inverted. Vault 68 housed one thousand men and one woman. While Vault 69 housed one man and a thousand women. The outcome of these experiments is unknown, but it is unlikely that anything good came from them.

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