21 Myths About Cats That Simply Are Not True

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It’s 2024, and we must stop believing myths about cats that are simply not true. The good thing is that you don’t need to manually search the Internet, as we’ve already done the work for you. Note that some of the myths we know can harm our fur babies. Let’s not just read but also take action afterward. Owning pets like dogs and cats is a source of happiness and responsibility.

Let’s take a deep dive into these myths as we debunk each of them with ease!

Myth #1: Cats Always Land On Their Feet

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We’ve all heard cats always land on their feet, and we’ve even tried throwing our cat mid-air to verify if it’s true. There’s some truth to this because their “righting reflex” helps them correct their position when they land after jumping or even falling. However, the belief that they always land on their feet is a myth. Landing on their feet can only be possible when they have time to adjust during the fall. It also depends on the height of the fall, where the minimum for a cat’s righting reflex to work is 12 inches.

Myth #2: Smoking Around Cats Is Perfectly Safe

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If you think smoking or vaping around cats is perfectly okay, then you’re wrong. Your cat is also at risk of getting oral cancer or malignant lymphoma from second-hand smoke. Apart from that, there’s also research suggesting that cats may be at risk of nicotine from e-smoking. So, the next time your cat is near someone who is smoking, make sure to keep your cat safe.

Myth #3: Cats Can See In Complete Darkness

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Cats indeed have sharp vision and a wider field of view, which is about 200 degrees, compared to humans, which have only 180 degrees. While that is incredible, that doesn’t mean cats can see in total darkness. Like humans, they also need some light to navigate things in the dark.

Myth #4: Pregnant Women Can’t Live With Cats

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Rumors have circulated that cats are dangerous around pregnant women. While this is a broad subject, the harm can easily be explained. Pregnant women have been warned of the risk of being infected with toxoplasmosis when changing cat litter. Toxoplasmosis is a disease somebody can get from an infected cat’s feces.

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Myth #5: Cats And Dogs Can’t Be Friends With Each Other

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Disney fooled us, friends. Cats and dogs can be friends. And just like any other animal, they can fight each other, too, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be friends. How Disney portrays cats and dogs and other cartoon movies is to blame for this myth.

Myth #6: Cats Have Nine Lives

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The belief that cats have nine lives is among the popular myths people need to stop believing. Like humans, cats’ lives are fragile. They should be taken care of like children. Cats are not immortals who can only suffer death when their nine lives are over.

Myth #7: Cats Are Not Social With Other Cats

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We often see cats getting into trouble with other cats on social media. However, being social with other cats also depends on many factors, just like humans. If a cat grew up with other kittens and adult cats, it tends to be social. It is more keen on socializing than other cats who grew up in isolation.

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Myth #8: Cats Are Loners

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People often compare dogs as friendly to cats who are aloof. However, that still depends. Like humans, there are friendly cats and those who prefer to be left alone most of the time.

Myth #9: Cats Can’t Be Trained

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Cats may seem untrainable and prefer more freedom than obeying humans, but the truth is that they just need a different set of training and more effort than dogs do. While dogs enjoy training in groups and endure longer sessions, cats are the opposite. They also need a little more patience. 

Myth #10: Declawing A Cat Is Completely Harmless

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Most people think declawing a cat is the same as trimming nails, which is wrong. Declawing is a surgical procedure with anesthesia done on cats to cut the bone where the claws grow. Once the cat is declawed, it is permanent. Imagine being naturally born wild to catch prey and jump with the help of your claws, only to find out that you no longer have them. Some reports state that declawing cats can cause chronic pain, such as arthritis and other aggression.

Myth #11: Cats Only Purr When They’re Happy

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Most fur parents believe that cats only purr when they’re happy. However, that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Surprisingly, cats also purr when sad, sick, stressed, or in pain. While there’s little proof to show why cats purr, it is believed that it’s for various reasons. One study suggests that purring to specific frequencies (25 to 150 Hz) is to heal themselves.

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Myth #12: Cats Don’t Need Much Attention and Maintenance Like Dogs

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Cats may appear independent and want more freedom than dogs, but that doesn’t mean they need less attention and maintenance than dogs. Your cats also need you to look out for them, especially when they’re playing inside the house. Your cats may also be in pain, and you barely notice because you didn’t give them much attention.

Myth #13: Cats Don’t Need To Interact Much With Humans

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Since cats seem more independent than dogs, that doesn’t mean that they don’t need to interact much with humans. They still need love and care from you. And let’s not forget that sometimes cats are closer to their favorite humans than others.

Myth #14: Indoor Cats Don’t Get Sick

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This myth comes from the notion that indoor cats are better cared for than outdoor or stray cats. However, that is entirely wrong, as indoor cats get sick, too, because they’re living animals. They can get stressed, infected with diseases, and in pain.

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Myth #15: Cats Are Unloving

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Cats love humans. However, their love expression is more subtle than that of dogs, and science has proof. Perhaps some people think their cats don’t love them because they have not taken the time to understand them properly.

Myth #16: Black Cats Bring Misfortune

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Another popular myth about cats is that black cats bring bad luck or misfortune. The truth is that the color of a cat’s fur doesn’t affect your luck or life choices. What you’re experiencing is a consequence of a choice you made entirely—not some innocent black cats you found while crossing the street.

Myth #17: Cats Hate Water

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Some cats do hate water, but not all of them. Some cats love being in the water and being bathed by their humans. The reason this myth is popular is that cats hate losing control while being submerged underwater.

Myth #18: You Should Give Your Cats Cow’s Milk

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Giving your cat milk doesn’t benefit them in any way. It could even be dangerous, as most cats are lactose-intolerant, which may cause vomiting and diarrhea. If you think your cat is thirsty, give them water instead.

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Myth #19: Cats Can Live On a Vegan Diet

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There have been many debates regarding whether it’s safe to feed cats based on a vegan diet alone. However, the fact that cats are obligate carnivores, which means that 70% of their diet should consist of meat, is a huge breaker for this ongoing debate. Cats need amino acids and other nutrients that they can only get from eating meat, and without these nutrients, they can cause detrimental health concerns for your cats.

Myth #20: Cats Can Eat Dog Food

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If you’ve wondered whether cats can eat dog food, the answer is yes. However, that’s not the end of the story. You can feed your cats a small amount of dog food as a last resort, but you can’t maintain it long as it is dangerous. Cat food and dog food have different formulas designed to meet the nutrients each pet needs.

Myth #21: Cats Are Nocturnal

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Cats are crepuscular, unlike bats and owls, which are the true definition of nocturnal animals. Nocturnal animals are active at night, while crepuscular animals are active at dawn or dusk. Cats love sleeping and can stay awake at night, but only for a short time.

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