Inflation’s Gendered Impact: How Rising Prices Have Affected Women

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We’ve all experienced the pinch of rising prices, but did you know that women often feel the squeeze even more? Inflation isn’t a one-size-fits-all problem, and we’ll dive into the differences between how skyrocketing costs affect genders differently. From pay gaps to household budgets, we’ll uncover how inflation impacts women’s lives.

Why Women Are More Vulnerable to Inflation

Woman checking price and shocked
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Women often bear a disproportionate burden when it comes to eye-popping price tags. Due to the gender pay gap, caregiving responsibilities, and economic vulnerabilities, rising prices can have a more pronounced impact on their financial stability. Here are the factors that make women more vulnerable to the effects of inflation.

1. Increased Cost of Goods and Services

Woman comparing prices
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Inflation’s impact on women can be felt acutely through the surge in prices of household essentials. Women tend to buy more products and services targeted at them, such as personal care items and clothing. These products and services often have worse inflation rates than those for men, thanks to higher taxes, higher production costs, and lower competition. This is sometimes called the “pink tax,” which means that women pay more for the same or similar goods as men.

2. Earnings Gap

Gender inequality
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The gender pay gap is a critical factor that exacerbates the gendered impact of inflation. Women generally earn less than men for the same work, a byproduct of discrimination, occupational segregation, and unpaid care work. That means women have less income and purchasing power than men, especially when inflation erodes the value of money. This not only affects their present financial situation but also has long-term consequences, including lower retirement savings and diminished economic security.

3. Healthcare Costs (Physical, Mental, and Social)

Woman with baby
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The high price of physical health services, mental health care, and social support can be particularly burdensome. Women face higher healthcare costs than men due to their maternal and reproductive health needs, longer life expectancy, and greater exposure to violence and diseases.

Inflation causes healthcare services and products to be more costly and inaccessible for women, especially those who are poor, rural, or marginalized. The consequences of this can be profound. Women may delay or forgo essential medical treatments, impacting their physical, mental, and social well-being.

4. Education Expenses

College student with mother
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Inflation causes tuition to rise as well, and inevitably, education becomes more expensive and unaffordable for women and girls, especially those who are already disadvantaged. It could reduce their chances of acquiring skills, knowledge, and qualifications that can improve their livelihoods and empowerment.

Women pursuing higher education, whether it’s college, graduate school, or vocational training, may find it increasingly difficult to manage the associated expenses. This can result in higher student loan debt and financial stress, affecting their long-term financial well-being and delaying career advancement.

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5. Housing Affordability

Woman with real estate agent
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Women have less access to secure and adequate housing than men because of aspects such as lower income, legal barriers, domestic violence, and displacement. For single women, particularly, the struggle to secure suitable housing is compounded by limited financial resources. The need to allocate a significant portion of income to housing costs can impact other aspects of their lives, including their ability to save for the future or invest in other priorities. Also, this can affect their safety, dignity, stability, and access to basic services and opportunities.

6. Retirement Savings

Happy old couples looking at each other
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Women have lower retirement savings than men because of lower earnings, shorter work history, and more. Since women typically live longer than men, they require more substantial retirement savings. However, the effects of inflation can reduce the actual value of those savings over time, especially for those who rely on fixed income or pensions.

Therefore, women may need to save even more to ensure a comfortable retirement, making it challenging to secure their financial future. The risk of outliving their savings becomes more pronounced during inflation. It may increase their risk of poverty and vulnerability in old age.

7. Childcare Costs

Kids organizing
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The cost of child care has increased significantly in recent years, especially during the pandemic, a consequence of lower supply, higher demand, and higher safety standards. Women bear the majority of childcare responsibilities in most households due to gender roles and expectations.

They’re also more likely to take on unpaid or underpaid care work. Inflation makes childcare services and products more expensive and unaffordable for women, particularly those working or studying. In essence, it can disrupt their ability to balance work and family life or force some women to leave the labor market or reduce their working hours.

8. Women-Owned Businesses

Woman doing business
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Inflation may significantly burden women-owned businesses. Women own fewer and smaller businesses than men because of a lack of capital, skills, networks, and markets. Inflation can cause business operations and expansion to be more complex and costly for women entrepreneurs, especially those who operate in informal or vulnerable sectors. This factor could impact their competitiveness, profitability, and sustainability.

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9. Job Loss

Woman in job shocked by job loss
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Women are more likely to lose their jobs than men during economic downturns or crises because of lower seniority, weaker labor rights, and greater care burden. Inflation might also worsen the employment situation for women workers as a result of a reduced demand for labor, an increase in the cost of production, and lower real wages. This can affect their income security, social protection, and economic empowerment. Specific industries sensitive to economic fluctuations may downsize their workforce, with women’s employment opportunities at risk, especially in fields where they are overrepresented.

10. Poverty Rates

Woman worried about bills
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Several components render women more susceptible to poverty than men, such as the persistent gender pay gap, covert separation tactics into lower-paying fields, part-time employment often driven by caregiving responsibilities, and less access to education and job opportunities. These disparities, compounded by economic dependency and financial discrimination, heighten women’s vulnerability to poverty. Single mothers, who generally carry the primary responsibility for their households, face an even greater risk of poverty.

11. Access to Financial Services

Stressed woman at work
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Inflation could cause financial services to be more expensive and inaccessible for women, as it can increase interest rates, fees, and risks. These factors may ultimately inhibit their financial inclusion, resilience, and autonomy. For example, the increased cost of borrowing, coupled with potential job loss or stagnant wages, can limit a woman’s access to credit and hinder her ability to save money.

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12. Gender-Based Violence

Stressed couples discussing tax
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Economic stress caused by inflation can worsen gender-based violence. Women may become more vulnerable to abuse in financially strained households, where tensions related to economic difficulties run high. The increased financial dependency on a partner can make it harder for women to leave abusive relationships. Support services and legal protections are crucial in addressing this consequence.

Source: Reddit.

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